With pressure on marketing budgets, especially if there has been a significant investment in a website platform, it would be easy to put 100% of marketing effort in to attracting prospective customers to a website.  However, and even with the shiniest of new websites built with the best current practice, without regular and consistent analysis of live user data it is impossible to fully understand and, ultimately, gain maximum Return on Investment for any marketing budget.

Conversion rate optimisation is the study of that live user data to determine whether your website is performing as well as it can.  Here’s a working example.

If a key measure of success for your website is the completion of a quote request form – is the form the very best it can be? 

Is the user journey consistent with the maximum number of visitors to your website completing that form? 

If your website has a form completion rate of 2% and you are spending £5 for each user arriving on your website from a competitive Google Search ads campaign, your cost per form fill (or cost per lead) will be: £250. 

Increase the completion rate to 3% and that figure drops to £167, hit 5% and we reach £100 cost per lead and, suddenly, 10 new leads cost £1000 instead of the original £2500 marketing spend. 

The gains in return can grow exponentially!

Data alone cannot bring these gains, it is not simply looking at Google analytics.  At Delineo we use user tracking tools, analytics data and years of experience creating high performing websites to develop split test experiments and dive positive gains tracked to a statistical significance for long term conversion growth.

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