The benefits of going analogue in a digital agency

By Emma Cocker, Copywriter

In a world where digital rules, it’s often hard to think beyond the confines of our screens. From computers and phones, to televisions and tablets, digital devices are inescapable in our day-to-day lives – it’s a by-product of living in the Information Age.

But then again, we wouldn’t want it to be any other way, would we?

The rise of digital has had an immeasurable impact on the marketing world. In fact, it’s moulded the modern world as we know it. Millions of companies have felt the benefit of going digital which, in our industry, is something you can’t put a price on.

But where technology aids the procedures, strategy and growth of businesses and brands the world over, a question must be asked: does it hinder the creative processes that we, as humans, go through to get these businesses where they want to be?

That's why, at Delineo, we’ve decided to go against the grain and adopt analogue in order to benefit and maximise our creative outputs. And we’ve got to say, it’s going pretty well so far. 

The pen is mightier than the keyboard

A recent study conducted at both Princeton University and the University of California observed the benefits of students using analogue methods of study in comparison to their digital counterparts. It focussed on students’ note-taking habits during lectures – those who took down notes on laptops vs those that used good old pen and paper.

The outcome? The pen is mightier than the keyboard – when it comes to creativity at least. The study showed that students using old-school ball-points and biros were better at absorbing information dictated to them, and performed better on conceptual questions than those who typed their notes on keyboard. This is because these students would take the info and put it into their own words, rather than just writing their lecture notes verbatim.

So how does this apply to us? Well, there’s no denying that the internet is a great tool for creatives. It opens our minds up to new information, helps to inspire when our creative reservoirs are running dry, and unlocks ideas beyond what we sometimes think we’re capable of. But away from the screen, where do we stand?

Plugged into life

Here under the arches, we have layout pads and pens dotted around the office so that, should inspiration strike one of our Bright Minds, we can get an idea down straight away. It’s old-school in a way that means ideas and concepts can’t get deleted in favour of another, helping to get (and keep) the ball rolling when it comes to conceptualising campaigns.

We also like to get up and discuss our projects, rather chatting via our inboxes. Where others have online systems, we have whiteboards. Each day, we get away from our desks and discuss what we each have going on as a team. It helps to make sure that we’re all on the same page.

And we’re big believers in ideation sessions and creative sprints. Getting together to bounce ideas off each other not only ensures the project is being nudged in the right direction, but it promotes creative originality and gets the cogs turning.

Put simply, at Delineo we like to keep things moving, rather than getting stuck down a creative hole in a world with limitless pages. It’s #CommunicationsInnovation at its finest.


Want to see what this means for our campaigns? Click here to see some of the work that we’ve produced for our clients.